Wednesday, 29 April 2009

True love...c.c

Ekana k allo testaki....
Dn exw allh duleia lew egw........

Ah vsk n paw aurio st sxoleio?!?
Dn 3erw............v.v

Geia sas....

Poso kairo exw n enhmerwsw t Bloggini mmm?!
Vsk 3ekinhsan t sxoleia alla apo ekeinh t mera eimai xalia...
Arrwsthsa PALI!!! x"""C
K smr dn phga st school....
Ti n peis?! Gademia....x.x
An k grafame ek8esh smr k sunh8ws xalia t phgainw...
T pio uyhlo p phra mia fora einai 16.............v.v;;;;;;

Uf paw n piasw t mallia m gt zesta8hka brosta st pc...
An k tr dn kanei k tosh zesth...
Elpizw n mh m anevainei pali puretos...
X8es eixa...
Smr otan 3upnhsa eixa 36.1 ...
Ti n peis....?!
Miso n valw 8ermometro gt tr kruwnw........

Gmt............................. 35.5 ....
O organismos m t xei pai3ei...
8 valw pali zaketula.....c.c

Ekana testaki st ::

You're a baby zebra!

All baby animals are cute, but no other animal is cute in exactly the same sweet, stripy way that you are. Zebra stripes are like fingerprints -- no two zebras have exactly the same pattern. Baby zebras are very playful, and they spend lots of time nuzzling each other. If another zebra has an itchy back or messy hair, you'll fix the problem with your teeth. You and your friends sort of have an agreement: If you nibble my back, I'll nibble yours. To stay out of danger, zebras listen closely to everything that's going on around them. They can turn their ears in almost any direction. (If you share that ability, we beg you to record a video and post it online.)
29% of the people who took this quiz got the same evaluation.

Auta einai t oloklhrwmena m apotelesmata........Wraies einai oi Zevres...
Dn borw n pw....


Saturday, 25 April 2009

Yuhu! ^_^;;

Kalo Apogeumatakiiii!

Uf...T prwi ws gnwston 3upnhsa pali sts 8.30!
Eixa m8m english k eprepe n diavasw opws oloi 3erume...x.x

Meta otan gurisa ka8hsa k eftia3a ena video m tis diakopes mas gia n t dume smr t vradaki p 8 pame katw st Maya [thn 3afula m] gia th giortula ts...
1 wra+ 7' Video.....
K gw t ftiaxna pl perissoterh wra....v.v;;;;
Evala k kati apaisia tragudia...Iuuu....
Mono t 2 prwta p evala m aresan...
Ola t upoloipa t evala epd dn evriska tpt kalutero...
K eipa egw n valw kapoia alla ma epemenan pws otan einai video m fwto mono vazeis pio xalara tragudakia ws Bg....

Ti n peis?!
T vlepw... 8 koimh8w...
EtC k alliws tis photo autes egw tis exw monima st PCaki mmm!

Eh anyway...
Tr 8 paw n diavasw gia aurio t meshmeraki p exw Arxaia m thn 3afh m thn Elenh....c.c
K meta prepei n kanw banio...N isiwsw t malli...Ti allo?!
Ah k n paw katw st spiti ths Mayas.........b.b

Oxxx Jesus...
Pali fortwmeno programma....g.g
K eimai k Ptwma...................z.z

Axx...Ti n peis...?

[Borei n dhmosieusw kamia anarthsula k apo t knt m argotera gt dn provlepetai n 3anabainw gia lgk....3ekinane t schools....x""""""C Molis akusa k th Maya n trexei apo katw.....n.n;;;]

Cya ppl.....^__________^;;;

Friday, 24 April 2009


Eimai trelh...T 3erw...
Exw gemisei t Blogginie m m AMVs!
Ti n kanwwww?!
Dn borw n adista8w....x.x

Ma oxi...Auto prepei n t deite....
Ektos t oti einai abt AMUTO [k exw pei 1mol fores oti einai t agaphmeno m zeugari ever] einai k teleia epe3ergasmeno...
Einai t oneiro m n kataferw mia mera n ftia3w ena toso teleio videooo! K m t augulaki ths Aisiodo3ias 8 t kataferw!
[Arkei n t vrw...Alla auth einai mia mikroleptomereia p d m endiaferei pros t paron...Huhuhu...Dx]

Ah ah...
Koita3te k t Com p ekana st sugekrimeno Videaki st UTube! Dx

That's one of the Best AMVs I have seen...O_O
And it's even more perfect bcz it is about AMUTO!
I love it...5/5, on my Favs + on my Playlist ofc...
Oh...And I didn't even need to see it in HD or HQ to adore it....X_X ''


Unusual You (Amuto AMV)

Kala eh....?!
Teleio tragudi....
Paizei n nai h prwth fora p t akuw....
[T akuro...K8l d fainetai oti eimai xameno st diko m kosmo.. ♥]

Gmt....Makari n uphrxe st'al8 t couple AMUTO ♥
8 ftia3w k egw ena AMV m 8ema autus ts 2!!!
Latreuw Shugo Chara ♥

♥ Giggles ♥
[Mes sts kardules einai auth h anarthsula...Dx]

If U Seek Amy Shugo Chara

Trelainomai gia SHUGO CHARA!!!
T pio teleio ANIME!!!

-Huggles Shugo Chara Fans Smirking-

amu's life would suck without the shugo chara boyz

Ena teleio videaki...
Sas exw prh3ei st AMV...

Tr tls p m evale h mama m n 3eskonisw t dwmatia m k... Madeyte................................

Periergo eh?!?!?


Yuxologiko Test!

Molis ekana ena yuxologiko testaki p m edwse h filh m h Irida...
Ean 8elete t link einai::

K t apotelesma p m evgale?! Auto::

Your Type is
Strength of the preferences %

Dld eimai 56% Eswstrefhs
12% Diais8htikh
25% Euais8hth
11% [Tr auto san epi8eto logika einai oti krinw...]

Ah k tr h Irida m edwse k ena allo link gia n dw ti shmainei! O_O;;

INFJ (Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Judging) is an acronym used in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) publications to refer to one of the sixteen personality types.[1][2] The MBTI assessment was developed from the work of prominent psychiatrist Carl G. Jung in his book Psychological Types, which proposed a psychological typology based on his theories of cognitive functions. These theories were based on clinical observation, however, rather than the controlled studies required for acceptance by the modern field of cognitive psychology.[3]

From Jung's work, others developed psychological typologies. Well-known personality tests are the MBTI assessment, developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs, and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, developed by David Keirsey. Keirsey referred to the INFJs as Counselors, one of the four types belonging to the temperament he called the Idealists.[4] According to some sources, INFJ is the rarest personality type.[5]

Characteristics of INFJs

INFJs are conscientious and value-driven. They seek meaning in relationships, ideas, and events, with an eye toward better understanding themselves and others. Using their intuitive skills, they develop a clear vision, which they then execute decisively to better the lives of others. Like their INTJ counterparts, INFJs regard problems as opportunities to design and implement creative solutions.[12]

INFJs are quiet, private individuals who prefer to exercise their influence behind the scenes. Although very independent, INFJs are intensely interested in the well-being of others. INFJs prefer one-on-one relationships to large groups. Sensitive and complex, they are adept at understanding complicated issues and driven to resolve differences in a cooperative and creative manner. [13]

Accounting for 1–3% of the population,[14] INFJs have a rich, vivid inner life, which they may be reluctant to share with those around them. Nevertheless, they are congenial in their interactions, and perceptive of the emotions of others. Generally well-liked by their peers, they may often be considered close friends and confidants by most other types. However, they are guarded in expressing their own feelings, especially to new people, and so tend to establish close relationships slowly. INFJs tend to be easily hurt, though they may not reveal this except to their closest companions. INFJs may "silently withdraw as a way of setting limits," rather than expressing their wounded feelings—a behavior that may leave others confused and upset.[15]

INFJs tend to be sensitive, quiet leaders with a great depth of personality. They are intricately and deeply woven, mysterious, and highly complex, sometimes puzzling even to themselves. They have an orderly view toward the world, but are internally arranged in a complex way that only they could understand. Abstract in communicating, they live in a world of hidden meanings and possibilities. With a natural affinity for art, INFJs tend to be creative and easily inspired.[16] Yet they may also do well in the sciences, aided by their intuition.[17]

Cognitive functions

For each personality type, the cognitive functions—sensing, intuition, thinking, and feeling—form a hierarchy. This represents the person's "default" pattern of behavior in their day to day life. The Dominant is the personality type's preferred role, the one they feel most comfortable with. The secondary function, the Auxiliary, serves to support and expand on the dominant function. If the Dominant is an information gathering function (sensing or intuition), the Auxiliary is a decision making function (thinking or feeling), and vice versa. The tertiary function is less developed than the Dominant and Auxiliary, but it develops as the person matures, providing roundness of ability. The inferior function is the personality type's Achilles' heel. This is the function they are least comfortable with. Like the tertiary function, the inferior function strengthens with maturity.[18]

  • Dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni)
  • Auxiliary Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
  • Tertiary Introverted Thinking (Ti)
  • Inferior Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Ti n peis?!? K o,ti katalava katalava...

Hot N' Cold [Amuto] [Shugo Chara! AMV]

Kalhmerudiaaa! ♥ ♠ ♣
Ti m kanete?!?!?

Smr eimai plplplpl xarumenh...
Ligoi k kaloi 3erun t logo vevaia alla dn prz!!!

Smr epitelus koimh8hka oso h8ela [meta apo polles polles meres] k 3upnhsa gurw sts 11h!
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! ♥

Sas stelnw auto to videakiiii p einai sxetika m t agaphmeno m zeugaraki... n.n;;

Amu ♥ Ikuto [ ♥ ♠ ♣ AMUTO ♥ ♠ ♣ ]


Thursday, 23 April 2009

xxxHOLiC - Maru+Moro

Auto einai t prwto prwto prwto videaki p eftia3a poteeee!
Alla dn anevaine st Utube h mapa...
K st mt3........Ekane k 1mol wres n anevei....

Einai k plpl erasitexniko!
Xilia sozzzzzzzz.....
Alla dn prz...
Exw ftia3ei k kaluteraaaaa......
[Oxi dn eimai ywnio...Dx]



Ekana banio m Amita Motion...#_#

Oxi oxi dn kanw plaka xrhsimopoiwdas auton tn titlo.....

Vsk eixa mia peripeteiula tr p phga n faw...:

K8m st trapezi, anakinw t kutaki m tn Amita, vazw t kalamaki...
D 8 sxoliasw oti mish wra prospa8usa n piw Amita xwris n xw dei oti t kalamaki eixe spasei...
Paw n peta3w t kalamaki k pairnw auto mias allhs Amitas...
Anoigw kanonika t sakulaki k apo th dunamh ths sunh8eias pairnw thn anoigmenh Amita k arxizw n thn anakinw pali...
Epesan ola epanw m fsk...
T kalo einai oti t phra xabari nwris.....
Vevaia t mallia m exun mia anepais8hth murwdia Motion...
Alla utws h allws 8 (3ana)kanw banio...
M nero auth t fora euelpistw...

Eda3ei tlk dn epa8a egefaliko...
Eixame kotopulo [eutuxws apo AB Basilopulos], feta, salata, augo...
K fsk Amita Motion...

Ah k parathrhsa k kati allo....
O,ti k n kanw meta eimai ptwma.............................
Koimamai?! Otan 3upnaw EIMAI PTWMA!
Trww?! Otan tln k exw xortasei PALI eimai ptwma...
Ka8omai kapu?! T gnwsta: Eimai ptwma....
Akm k otan vgainw apo t banio Eimai Ptwma...

H katastash dn paleuetai...
K an d m pisteuete rwthste t 3afakia m th Vo0La k t Mhtso p epi 3 hmeres akugan oti EIMAI PTWMA!
Mallon prepei n t valw st Quotes m st Hi5...
Paw paw...

Kalh mas mera.....


Eimai lglk skeftikh smr mias k einai Pempth...
Opu n nai 3ekinan t schools pali... x"""C
M aresun tooooso pl oi diakopes.....
D 8elw n 3ana3ekinhsume....

Smr eixa t prwi k m8m English...
Dn borw Dn borw...

Mhpws ginetai n gurisei o xronos pisw?! N 3anavre8w st Teleio Xorto?!
K eidika ekeinh thn teleutaia mera apo tis 4.30-6.30...
K opoios katalave katalave.....

K tr paw n faw gt o babas m fwnazei n fame edw k kana misawro...
K dn 3erw k ti fai exm...
Elpizw n mhn pa8w kana egefaliko m auto p 8 dw........


Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Mitsuki X Takuto -Beautiful

Auto t Videulini [AMV] t eftia3a smr epd variomun aforhta s mia stigmh k epesa m t mutra sth duleia...
K mt apo ligaki t anevasa st UTube...
Elpizw n sas aresei...
Evala olh m thn texnh....

Polla polla Makiazzzzzz!!! Dx

Koita3te Photoo!

Axu th mweeeeeeeee!!!!
Teleio Gatulinuki dn einai?!?
Gia kati tetoia matakia 8 borusa k n pe8anwww!
Oxu toooo!

Mwe m latreuw t Gatulukiaaaa!


Kalhmera! ^_^

Vsk akm nustazw...
Smr 3upnhsa pali apo ts 8.30h alla auth t fora d ftaiw egw...
M 3upnhse h mama gt phga m tn baba n kanw e3etaseis aimatos k stn ododiatro...

St mt3 erxetai h mama t prwi k kati m elege gia n 3upnhsw..
Ti n kanw k tetoia...
K ths kanw egw h aneth:: "Ti wra n 3upnhsw?!"

Eh ti n kanw?!
X8e skoimh8hka gurw sts 2 para gt hmun st Internet...
Eh k t prwi m t xilia zoria katafera n apoxwristw t gluko k zesto m krevataki....b.b

Ti n knm?!

K d 8 sxoliasw oti m phran >4< fialidia aima.....
K st teleutaio hmun etoimh n skasw...
GT gnk dn exw prob n m pairnun aima...
Alla dn t perimena n epairnan toso plpl k m hr8e kapws, opws k n t knm......

Ti n peis?!

K tr st Internet kaigomai...
Vsk perimenw n fortwsei kati st FB m k exw DOGvr8 opt eipa n grayw mia anarthsula k n th dhmosieusw oso 8 perimenw....

Makiazzzzz!!! ^__________^;;;

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

K alles photo apo Horton!

Allh mia anarthsula afierwmenh st 1+Monadiko Horto p mas mageye olus toso!!!

Μηλίνα! σ.σ

Auth edw einai mia anarthsula p apofasisa n dhmosieusw k einai sxetika m t Steki mas th Mhlina!!!

[M'aresei p mia mera n lene oloi oi megaloi "Pame sts Mhlines" k n fwnazume apo pisw o Mhtsos, h Vo0La k Egw oti einai mia k oxi polles!!! ^_______^]

Ah ah....
Exw suberilavei k polla zwakia p sunadhsame ekei....
Ektos apo t ahdiastika edoma ENNOEITAI....