Monday, 29 June 2009

Armenia First Semi Final Eurovision 2009

Kala...PAW KALA?!?

Dn eixa steilei st blogaki m t tragudi p m arese apo EUROVISION?!
T xw pai3eiiii..........n.n;;;

Anyway.....Epd dn pl8mm....b/b

Move your body
Dancing up with the Nor Par
Must be ready
Jumping up with the Nor Par


Vampire Knight AMV

Auto edw t vazw epd suneidhtopoiw oti emeis oi idioi tautizume tragudia, groups, tragudistes ktl m sugekrimenes katastaseis...b.b

Egw gia pradeigma exw tautisei m ...kati... tus::

Good Charlotte
Evanescence [lglk mono]
K allus p d m rxodai right now...c.c;;


Vampire Knight amv - Going under [Zero x Yuki]

Whoa! Poso kairo exw n akusw auto t fadastiko tragudiiii?!? *O*
M xei leiyeiiii....n.n
Ah ah...T sugekrimeno anime dn t xw dei akm opt dn 3erw k polla gia atuo t zeugarakiii alla 8 grayw [h mallon 8 kanw copy-paste] ena comment p xun grayei katw apo auto t AMV st YT..::

MyAcidPinkLemonade (1 month ago)

Ahahaha! Auto t leei ola.....^O^

Various anime : SOMEBODY TOLD ME

Arketa wraia version tou idiu tragudiu...
Arketa wraia vevaiws alla tpt san t au8ediko...
Alla dn prz n uparxei k auth st bloggulini mmm!

The Killers - Somebody told me. WITH LYRICS

Shoot shoot shoot!
Dn borusa n vrw t video clip...........b.b
Bad bad bad YT! *()*

Anyway...Teleio dn einai auto t tragudi?!?
8 t valw k s anime...[an vrw kana kalo ennoeitai...Oxi tpt allo...Eri3a mia matia k apogohteuthka...TeCpa]


Breaking my back just to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game
I'm breaking my back just to know your name
But heaven ain't close in a place like this
Anything goes but don't blink you might miss
Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight

Well somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential

Ready? Let's roll onto something new
Taking its toll and I'm leaving without you

Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight

Well somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential
A rushin', a rushin' around

Pace yourself from me
I said maybe baby please
But I just don't know now
When all I wanna do is try

Somebody told me
You had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential
I've got potential
A rushin', a rushin' around

WOW...Dn h3era oti t lene oi Killers btw.........x.x

Sunday, 28 June 2009

if you seek amy - anime mix

Elpizw n er8ei k n mh m kanei t zwh duskolh opws sunh8izei twra teleutaia....
-Sighs hard-
Stelnw auto k tr m hr8e idea n steilw kana videaki k m nekos aka cats etC...
Mias k esteila k photo I mean...
Mexri n kanw dld upload tis upoloipes photo gt pragmatika dn exw idea pote 8 t kataferw...
Opws pame.....

Poso exm smr?!?
Posos kairos m menei n anevase tis fwto ts parastashs klp st mhna iunio?! GMT!
Trexw trexw n kanw upload.....Shoot shoot....


Dokimh?! *O*

╔═╦═╦╦╦═╗ Put this on
║║║═╣═╣║║ Your page
║║║═╣║║║║ If your a
╚╩╩═╩╩╩═╝ neko

Anarwtiemai ean auto 8 fainetai h an 8 m spasei pali t neura mexri n t emfanisei....T*T

Uku tsuku tsuku... *O*

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^ K auto t xw st msn!!!

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Sunexizw...Aka8ekth?! e.e

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^ Auto t xw k st msn!!!

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T xanw alla m aresei...U^U

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T xw paitsei......T*T

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^ S argh kinhsh, oxi san t prohgumeno idio gataki....g*g

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^ K auth mallon d 8 th deixnei oloklhrh...GMT...T*T

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Trelainomai siga siga......n^n

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Auth thn teleutaia upoyiazomai oti d 8 th deixnei oloklhrh...GMT!
S auth edw thn anarthsula dn einai oles oi fwto kinumenes alla kapoies einai plpl wraies!!! ^O^


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Eimai trelulaaaa...T tselw....T^T
Bwahahahahaha! G^G


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T parapanw euelpistw n fainetai sthn anarthsula gt einai mia teleia gatulitsaaaaa...^O^

Ah...X8es tlk xa8hke t internet k dn borusa n bw gia n valw tis fwtografiules p h8ela n anevasw...T^T

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Mwah! T^T

Auto einai ena teleio site opu boreis n gineis melos k n dei3eis poia vivlia diavazeis auth t stigmh, poia exeis diavasei, poia 8es n diavaseis ktl ktl...

Exw polla polla neakiaaaaaaa....
Thn Trith eixa prova gia thn parastasula mas k hmun st 8eatro apo tis 9 t prwi mexri tis 5 t apogeuma...
Do3a tw 8ew p htan mazi k t Rafaki m alliws...8 xa varesei biela..[YIHA! Kairo eixa n xrhsimopoihsw auth thn ekfrash........x.x]

K h parastasulitsa mas htan thn Tetarth 24-06-2oo9!!!
Teleia teleia..

Meta..Thn Pempth htan h teleth apofoithshs ths 3hs lukeiu t 3u lukeiu Galatsiu...
Eh phga...
Meta ts 12 phrame bros h RAF k eG!!! ^O^

K thn Paraskeuh phga k phra ts va8mus.........................&*&
Dn 8elw n t suzhthsw.........g.g

Huhuhuhu....Ti n peis [etC mwlakiiii?!?] ^0^

Ti allo ti allo?!?
Ah ah ah!!!
Smr 8elw n paw n dw k thn 3afulara mmm th Vo0LiTsaaa!!! *O*

Hmm...Tr lete n valw kamia photo?!
Oof...K vrm......T*T

Okie dokieee...

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Linkin Park - New Divide (Full Anime Trailer HD)

Auto edw einai ena videaki full m anime p t stelnw apla epd m aresei para plplpl t neo tragudi twn Linking Park...
"New Divide" for life...[Transformers 2]


Dn einai teleies oi photo p akolu8un?!?
H Vo0LiTsa ts eftia3e....
S ena site.............WHOA! ^O^
Elpizw n m t pei k emn gia n bwwww...

Raf + Cat [Goody's]

S authn edw thn anarthsula evala tis photo p travh3ame x8es h Raf k eG sts tualetes twn Goody's....T^T
Htan k h Maya mazi mas!!!! Huhuhuhuhuhu!!! ^O^

Eixe plplpl fash........^O^

X8es gene8liakiaaa! ^O^

Opws oloi katalavainume k apo tn titlo ths anarthsulas.....
X8es eixa t gene8liakia mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! ^^
Egina 16 xronwn....T^T
Niw8w griulaaaa.......c.c

Anyway, dn 3erw an t xw anaferei alla TELEIWSAN T SCHOOLS!!!
[Epitelus....Kodeua n pe8anw...Ma tw 8ew d 8 adexa allo..........v.v]
TeCpa....P lete t phga XALIA sts e3etaseis...
Alla dn prz mwe.... T xronu n maste kala......Huhuhu.....^^

Tls t 8emataki "Hiroshi Matazaki" meta apo 2 vdomadules...[K pl krathse...b.b]
K tr exei anoi3ei ena allo 8emataki....
Polloi polloi t 3erun alla dn 3erw gia poso kairo akm 8 krathsei...
Dn t kovw gia pl...Ti n peis?!? *O*

Tr 8 pw pws perasa toso kairo p dn exw grayei........................x.x
Katarxas me tis e3etaseis k ola auta dn borusa n bw...........T.T
Alla tr epestreya drumiterh...[GMT....Pws grafetai?!? n.n]

Hm....Elega n kanw vsk ka8e mera hlio8erapeia m Raf+Efi stn taratsa ths prwths alla o zatlo8 m epeise n mhn.....OXI pl epafh m hlio....Htan kathgorhmatiko...
Opt 8usiazomai...Gia 6 mhnes arxika....An katalavate gia ti prama milaw eiste etsupna paizatsaaaa....An pali oxi, einai pl pl logiko mias k einai lepto t 8ema k dn t lew de3ia k aristera...Mwahahaha! M epiase h polulogia m pali.......................#o#

P lete x8es...hr8e st spiti m h Raf k m eftiatse t mallakiaaaa!!!
Kala teleia m t ekane pali ennoeitai...Opws pada!!!! Dx
S metepeita anarthsula 8 valw k photoooooooooooo.......*O*
K st mt3 hr8an k oi suggeneis mmm!
K meta phgame volta t akolu8a atoma!!!::

Cat [eG...n.n]

Hmm.... Auta pisteuw.......Eh fugame kata tis 8...[Mexri n etoimastun t mallia k ola auta...] k gurisame kata tis 11... Fagame k st Goody's...................................T^T
Auta mweee....

Aaah....Kleisame k diakopeeees!!! ^O^
1h augustu ews 8 augustu: Ierapetra, Lasi8i, Krhth
8 augustu ews kapu septemvrh: Hrakleio Krhths eG xwris tus goneis [8 katsun mono gia mia vdomada k meta 8 fugun k eG 8 gurisw m th giagia]
Meta mallon Thno alla dn exw idea....8 dei3ei k eG 8 sas enhmerwsw......

Erxodai k alles anarthsules smr gt exume meinei pisw.... Ennow...Dn exw valei polla...K eidika t mhna m tn Iunio....Droph droph........................................T*T