Sunday, 30 October 2011

6000 pageviews

Wow, thank you very much!
To all of you that have read even one of my posts!
And of course, a special thank-you to all my 10 followers (most of whom I have to admit I know personally :p)

See you soon through a post! :D


Saturday, 29 October 2011

Να μείνουμε εδώ!

Συνεχώς ακούμε ότι λόγω της όλο αυξανόμενης ανεργίας πολλοί νέοι μας φεύγουν στο εξωτερικό κι αναζητούν εκεί εργασία. Όλα τα λμπρά μυαλά μας φεύγουν για την ακρίβεια.
Ακόμα κι αν φύγουν απλά για να σπουδάσουν έξω, τους καλύτερους τους κρατάνε (εμ, βλάκες σαν εμάς θα ήταν να τους αφήσουν να φύγουν??)
Κι από την άλλη, βλέποντας τις ειδήσεις του STAR Channel μπορείς να ακούσεις και σοβαρά πράγματα μέσα από την πλάκα...
Π.χ. όλα αυτά τα μοντέλα που λένε ότι δε θα ξενιτευτούν σαν κάποιες συναδέλφισσες τους για να βρουν δουλειά. Καιι λένε κάτι πολύ σωστό! Ότι θα μείνουν εδώ να το παλέψουν...

Κι ενώ κι εγώ έχω σκεφτεί άπειρες φορές να συνεχίσω τις σπουδές μου στο εξωτερικό, ή ακόμα και να πάω μόνιμα στο εξωτερικό, για λόγους που έχουν να κάνουν από το "σε τέτοιο κόσμο θα φέρω τα παιδιά μου?" (σκεπτόμενη το λαμπρό εκπαιδευτικό μας σύστημα) μέχρι την επαγγελματική αποκατάσταση, έρχονται κάτι τέτοιες στιγμές που αναθεωρώ...

Όποιος ισχυρίζεται ότι αγαπάει κάτι (ή κάποιον) δεν πρέπει να μείνει να αντιμετωπίσει και τις καλές και τις κακές στιγμές (μαζί του)?
Και εντάξει, να φύγεις αν δεις ότι θα'ναι το καλύτερο ή αν εξαντλήσεις όλες τις υπόλοιπες προοπτικές στη χώρα σου...
Αλλά όχι χωρίς να το έχεις παλέψει πρώτα στον τόπο σου.
Δε θα'ναι δειλία αν το κάνεις αυτό? Να μην προσπαθήσεις?

Και δεν είμαι ούτε τοπικίστρια, ούτε φοβάμαι το άγνωστο.
Το πρώτο ποτέ δεν το είχα (πολύ, τουλάχιστον) και το δεύτερο το'χω ξεπεράσει προπολλού!
Αλοίμονο, τόσο καιρό που μένω σε μια καινούρια πόλη.

Απλά, αναρωτιέμαι...
Και πολύ θα ήθελα να ακούσω κι άλλες απόψεις...


Thursday, 20 October 2011

2 Quizzes at Once

What Japanese goddess are you?

You are Ame-no-Mi-Kumari

Kumari is the water goddess. Her powers are controling water and the elements, like summoning lightning bolts and generating floods and creating tidal waves. She is the heavenly water divider

And, because I've taken this test again, I'll post another one below :*

What's your fairytale story and character?

Mysterious Rumours

result image You’re moody, like to think about life and dead to all things fantasy. Or you appear to be, anyway. You’ve probably been disillusioned by some event and therefore have decided to give up on magic, preferring instead to live in the certainty of boring present day Earth. That doesn’t mean you actually belong here, though. Your story will probably start when you go to visit an old castle one day.....

{And the rest is history *gulp* sorry, story I meant}

And the possible answers in the last question, I so much liked, below!

...Moon. It's got all that mystery around it.


Missing Dancing

What Kind of Dancer Are You?

Your Dancing is Wild and Free!

result image When the music starts thumping, you can feel the beat pumping, and you just let loose! You never care what others think. When you dance, you just feel the music and move. You're dance phrase is simply, Rock out! A tip is to wear something flowy so it's easier to move!

(When I'm at a party, of course. In ballet you can't really improvise that much :D)


That, I'd like.

Would you survive in medieval ages?


You do anything to survive, may it be stealing a crust of bread or becoming the guard of a nobleman. Your survival instincts are up to par. You think before doing anything stupid and your mind has no match. You don't need modern technology to survive, somehow, you find a way.

Ooow, I just love the Middle Ages! <3
But, I'm not quite sure I'd like to live in those times...
Firstly, because these were HARD times, and not so nice as they're described in books, movies, etc etc.
Secondly, because I'm not sure I'd like to live without technology. I rely too much to it, I guess, but I can't help it! I love progress, especially when it's written in history. Not much is important about Middle Ages. These were Dark Times.
They had their beauty, though!



I looove this result :D
Take a pick ;')

What Mythical Being Is In Love With You 

♥♥♥ Nekos Love You Best

result image

There is also a story, but I'm not going to post it here!
If you wanna read it, visit Quizilla.
Now I'm off ot read it :D


Actually interesting.

I hadn't really thought you could possibly be part of two different things.
But well, this is my result!
How can I say otherwise??

Are You a Moon or a Sun

Yin Yang (Both)

result image Now, this is interesting. You have both a fire in you heard and a coolness in your soul. You can have the best of both: able to see ahead of your actions and to easily make friends. Unfortunately, you are still bounding with energy and unable to keep still. Either that, or you tire easily when around to many people. Don't worry though, with a little alone time you can get back to playing with friends.

And I'll copy in the same post another quiz, because it's from the same Quizzila member.
Also, it's about the same story, so yeah!

What Wolf Walkers Character are you?

Arisa the Pink Wolf

result image You are animated and trustworthy. You are a bundle of joy. When your friends need you, you are right there in the middle of it. Nothing could keep you away!


Good? Or, not?

I'm not entirely sure what to think of it...
It's good? Or not so much! I didn't think my answers were going to have that effect!
But anyway, here it is!

What Sort of a Celebrity Would You Be


Pop Icon

result image You'd be the kind of a celebrity that everyone would know, be it a homeless guy or Ling Lu Doh from the depths of an Asian jungle. Your life would be their life. People would wanna eat like you, talk like you, look like you and take trivia tests about you. Your private life would be a mystery far less exciting than the lies written in the tabloids. Your fame would last about a century after your death but would gradually fade out, like all the others.


Deja vu!

 That reminds me of something...
Spoooky... :S

What Planet Are You


result image Your Mercury. You are lonesome a lot but you don't care. You try to find the fun in it.


Historic times :')

We live historic times those days! :')
Especially today!
With all that happens not only here in Greece, but also in Libya, and the world generally!
While the strike continues from yesterday in general, our professors today were there, ready to teach us! I didn't go, though :p I had 9 hours of lessons in a row today! Pfff, you get why I preferred to stay home and do the housework, right?? :D
And ok, I know how significant days we're living, but I'm still taking quizzes. :D Of course!

So here are the results!

What's your mermaid name


result image You sit in the sun all day long just soaking up the sun. You also are vary social you can talk forever and ever and never run out of things to say to someone. some call you lazy you call your self creative!
the sea you live in Caribbean Sea
you were born:Cancer
your stone is:Emerald
your water animal is:sea turtle
your song is:Sunshine girl by britt nicole
your tail color is:red and yellow
your power:talk anyone into anything
your life will always be good while your in the ocean.


Wednesday, 19 October 2011

And that's for today!

The EPIC Personality Quiz

{With answers that are only one sentence}

You do a lot of thinking.

You tend to over think things sometimes.



You Witch!

What Kind of Witch/Warlock Are You

Sugar & Spice Witch

result image You're funny, smart, and cheerful, though sometimes you can be sarcastic. You're sometimes known as a drama queen and can be a bit klutzy! You have two sides; a nice side where you're nice and funny, but also a bad sad, when people annoy you to the point where you snap.



Dilemmas on quizzes

It's an often problem to me. I come face-to-face with some dilemmas.
Some questions aren't that hard.
But, some others require a philosophical point of view by my side!
Like this one for example:

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Hmm, it's a tough one, considering that my priorities change from time to time, and from experience to experience. Even today, even this week, I'd say something totally different than what I'd choose some months ago! Aaaah, sweet maturity!! :D

Which Aquatic Sea Creature Would You Be

Sea Sponge

result image You rarely move. When you do move, you don't go far. You sit and observe what happens around you rather than go to partake in any of it.

{Excuse me?? Is that even considered a Creature?? :O Anyway, the quiz is right, in a way... :/}




What Colour Is Your Aura

You have a red aura!

result image Your aura is red, like a deep red rose, or a juicy apple. This indicates you are a highly passionate person in all aspects of your life. You enjoy challenges at work and/or at school. You are confident within yourself, and have high self esteem. You enjoy being in love and having a relationship, but you do not let this hinder your independence in any way. You are an individual who knows what they want out of life, and you are not afraid to get it. You can be described as an opportunist, and a lover. Your lucky stone is the ruby, and you are ruled by the heart.


Quiz Maniac

What Symbol Represents You

Smiley Face

You're a 'Smiley Face' because you're silly and like to make people laugh. Why not put on a show for your friends or family?

{I just love taking quizzes. My problem is only that my results can't be shown to the blogger}



Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A hurricane...

No matter how many (I wrote these exact words, while at the same time I was hearing them being sang :D) times I listen to this song, I just can't get enough of it! Here is another version I'd never had heard of, before...
I've been watching Hellcats...
And although it's about cheerleaders (a 'sport' we don't have here), I remembered how much I miss dancing myself... :/


666, Beast!

5666 pageviews,

900 posts,

and... most importantly?

69 days 'till Christmas!!!

69 μέρες για τα Χριστούγεννα!
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| •
Posted by the group "Στο Παρά 5" on facebook! :D

I looove Christmas! <3

Oh, by the way, now that I mentioned it on the title, I finally watched "Beastly"
YAY me! :D


Ιπποτισμός | Αγνοείται

Συχνά ακούμε από ανθρώπους του περιβάλλοντός μας ότι όλοι οι "καλοί" άνδρες είναι είτε "πιασμένοι" είτε γκέι. Οι υπόλοιποι είναι γουρούνια! Σύμφωνα με την πλειοψηφία των γυναικών τουλάχιστον... Εγώ οφείλω να παραδεχτώ ότι προτιμώ να μην περνάω σε γενικεύσεις. Γιατί? Για τον πολύ απλό λόγο ότι α) δε μου αρέσει να με βάζουν και μένα σε κατηγορίες και να είναι προκατειλημμένοι απέναντί μου και β) είναι σεξιστικό κι από τις 2 μεριές, αλλά και γενικότερα ρατσιστικό, και απεχθάνομαι τις προλήψεις και προκαταλήψεις.
Αλλά πίσω στο θέμα τώρα... (Πόσο εύκολο είναι να ξεφύγεις, όμως ε? Και μετά απορούμε γιατί μας το τονίζουν συνεχώς οι καθηγητές μας...) Αναρωτιέμαι εγώ τώρα, πού πήγε ο ιπποτισμός στις μέρες μας.
Και η απάντηση? Περίπατο...
Και δεν είναι να αναρωτιόμαστε, αν αναλογιστούμε όλο αυτό το σπρωξίδι και στριμωξίδι που έχουμε φάει και θα τρώμε εμείς οι φοιτητές για τουλάχιστον 4 χρόνια ακόμα...
Με το σκεπτικό ότι, αν τα αγόρια συνεχώς αφήνουν τις κοπέλες να περάσουν και να μπουν πρώτες στο λεωφορείο, τότε συνεχώς θα μένουν απέξω (γιατί δε θα χωράνε). Και μετά άντε να πας σπίτι σου.
Και το κακό είναι ότι αυτό το φαινόμενο παρατηρείται σε όλες τις δημόσιες συγκοινωνίες. Οπότε γίνεται συνήθεια και μετά πώς να γίνει ο άντρας gentleman?
Βέβαια για να μην κακολογώ μόνο (όχι τον αρσενικό πληθυσμό, αλλά τον τρόπο με τον οποίο στοιβαζόμαστε όλοι στα λεωφορεία -αν προλάβουμε-), καμιά φορά, όταν είναι να κατέβουμε στον προορισμό μας ή ακόμα και να βγούμε από την αίθουσα (πολιτισμένα) συναντάμε και μερικούς... "ιππότες".
Τέσπα, αυτά για τώρα γιατί έχω και μια ψιλοέρευνα να κάνω (κυρίως θέλω απλά να επιδιώξω να κοιμηθώ γιατί είμαι πτώμα)!

Παρεπιμπτόντως, ο τίτλος αλά ΧΑΡΑ ΑΓΝΟΕΙΤΑΙ, για όσους το έβλεπαν!
Αλλά σοβαρολογώ! Όποιος βρει πουθενά το χαμένο μας -πολιτισμό... εε, συγγνώμη- ιπποτισμό, παρακαλείται θερμά να μας τον επιστρέψει. Και λίαν συντόμως, γιατί χανόμαστε!
