Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Jung Typology Test

My Type is



Also called the Protector!

And, my Hogwarts House's Psychoanalysis by
From the posts and

Perhaps one of the most common types within Slytherin house, these individuals are extremely loyal to their blood. Their protective aspects shine through what they believe to be theirs, as they will fight tooth and nail to keep it. Within the world of Hogwarts, this could be shown through the family ties within Slytherin house, as these are individuals that will do whatever is asked of them by family, no questions asked. This makes them come off as very impulsive, and tends to give them a strong black and white moral standing.

Famous ISFJs:

St. Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Jesus)
Louisa May Alcott
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Queen Elizabeth II of England
Robert E. Lee
Queen Mary I ("Bloody Mary") of England
U.S. Presidents:
William Howard Taft
Johnny Carson, comedian
Robin Roberts (Good Morning America)
Kristi Yamaguchi, US Olympic figure skater
Ed Bradley, journalist


Bianca in Taming of the Shrew
David Copperfield
Hero in Much Ado About Nothing
Melanie in Gone With The Wind
Ophelia in Hamlet
Dr. John H. Watson, M.D. (Sherlock Holmes' faithful sidekick)


We are Slytherins!

A few hours ago I made a second account on Pottermore.
I wanted to check if I am an original Slytherin, or if I'm a Slythindor, Slythenclaw or Slytherpuff.
So, I roamed through the first 6 chapters quite quickly (I've already passed them 5 times, if we count the ones I was coaching my cousins on how to proceed) and reached Chapter 7.
Even the wand I made with that second account was totally different. I wanted to see where other choices would lead me.

But when I reached the Sorting Ceremony, I took the sorting quiz again as honestly as I could!
Thankfully, almost half of the questions weren't answered through my original account.

And, yet again my result was: SLYTHERIN

Oh yeah! I'm an original Slytherin! And very proud about it.

But, if you wish to check for yourselves don't get surprised or ashamed or anything else, if you get a different house. Slytherin shares many common traits with other houses as I've already emphasized on my previous post.

Haha, and don't forget to check the following track and videoclip.
So awesome!

Go go Snakessss!


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Slythindor is more alike than what we like to think.

Find Your Hogwarts House: The Harry Potter Sorting Hat Personality Test
Complete the questionnaire below to find your Hogwarts house!  This quiz is based on a test developed by professional psychologists.  It can be used to describe children, adolescents, and adults of any age.

The sorting hat says...
Look below to see how compatible you are with each house, and for descriptions of the houses.
House Crest
Score (0-100)
House Description
Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."
Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous. Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).
If you want to add this feedback to your homepage, click here.
Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."
Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Notable residents include Cho Chang and Padma Patil (objects of Harry and Ron's affections), and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine's editor).
If you want to add this feedback to your homepage, click here.
Said Hufflepuff, "I'll teach the lot, and treat them just the same."
Hufflepuff students are friendly, fair-minded, modest, and hard-working. A well-known member was Cedric Diggory, who represented Hogwarts in the most recent Triwizard Tournament.
If you want to add this feedback to your homepage, click here.
Said Slytherin, "We'll teach just those whose ancestry is purest."
Slytherin students are typically cunning and hungry for power. Important members include Draco Malfoy (Harry's nemesis), Professor Severus Snape (head of Slytherin), and Lord Voldemort.
If you want to add this feedback to your homepage, click here.

Haha, my result is supposed to be Gryffindor, but if you notice I have a score of 74% in both Gryffindor AND Slytherin! And a 73% in Ravenclaw. Haha, I had my suspicions, but now I made sure.

The truth is that even the welcome message of Pottermore emphasizes how students that get sorted into Slytherin and those that get sorted into Gryffindor have more similarities than what both parties would like to admit!
And, Ravenclaw, too, has many common characteristics with the other two houses...


Hoppinth (Bizarro Slytherin)

Think that Slytherin is the opposite of Gryffindor, or that Ravenclaw is the opposite of Hufflepuff? Well it’s not quite as simple as you think. Meet the Bizarro Hogwarts Houses.
In the comic universe, Bizarro world is known for being the opposite of what we know, and the same applies here. Four houses, each the complete opposite of one of the Hogwarts houses we love.
So which one would would you fit best in, and which one is the opposite of which? Analysis for them is coming soon, so keep an eye out. In the mean time, see if you can figure out by the house crests.

What’s a bizarro house? Click here for an introduction.
(For normal house evaluation, click here.)

G e n e r a l - P e r s o n a l i t y
Hoppinths are impulsive, representing their animal the rabbit by jumping into most things in their life. They are generally optimistic folks, pleasant in their stature and trying to make everyone feel welcome. They are very sensitive, taking most things that are said to them to heart. They can have short attention spans at times, bouncing about from one thing to another.
P o s i t i v e - & - N e g a t i v e - T r a i t s
Hoppinths are extremely friendly and carefree, jumping into any situation or involvement that they feel could have some good aspect. They are not ones to overthink, and this can make them seem incredibly spontaneous and fun to others, causing them to have a wide circle of friends and/or admirers. They do not hold grudges too often, and seem to move through life with ease.
However, Hoppinths are not keen on responsibility, and tend to become a bit lazy when it comes to the idea of work or something that they must do that they think of as boring. This can make them come off as underachievers to some, and may be seen as off-putting to those who strive off of obligation or ambition.
C o m m o n - S t a r - S i g n s
An incredibly common sign for a Hoppinth is Libra, as these are people who are social and a bit indulgent, enjoying the finer things in life. Other common signs for Hoppinths are Leo and Sagittarius, though of course any sign is possible.
H o b b i e s
Hoppinths tend to have many hobbies at once, because they like to bounce in between different things to keep their interest peaked. They enjoy things which involve others, and may join many clubs or athletic teams, to keep a small taste of everything.
F r i e n d s h i p s
Hoppinths are social creatures, and quick to try and make friendships with others. They like to find the good in everyone, and get others to search for a bit of adventure with them. They can be a bit spacey at times, which can cause them not be the most reliable of friends, but their heart is in their effort to show you support.
I n t i m a t e - R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Hoppinths are playful in the area of romance, and enjoy having a partner with which they can always feel a strong, pleasant energy. The happiness a person brings them is all they need to validate their feelings, and this can cause them to jump into relationships. It can also cause them to have conflicting feelings and interests, which cause them to be in and out of the dating world.
T y p o l o g y
The average typology for a Hoppinth is ESFP (Extraverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceptive), because they are social beings that prefer to mix play with responsibility.
A b n o r m a l - P s y c h o l o g y
Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.
Hoppinths are not the most driven of folks, so when they feel they have reached a roadblock on their life, they can become overridden with self-hatred, feeling themselves useless. They are very sensitive and influenced by what others say to them, so if you were to say something hurtful to them, it may stay with them. Pain is one of the very few things in a Hoppinth’s life that they cannot jump right away from comfortably.
R e l i g i o u s - V i e w s
Hoppinths are not incredibly spiritual, nor are they very set into reality when it comes to religious prospects. They would rather not concern themselves with such things, because they are more focused on living how they want, rather than the consequences or results that may come thereafter. 
P o l i t i c a l - V i e w s
Hoppinths see little need for politics, or rather, they don’t see any need for their involvement in them. They are not hard to please for the most part, so they do not feel the need to interject with their own views, so long as things are fairly decent on their half of the spectrum.
C a r e e r s
Hoppinths do not want to have a career that is too heavy a burden. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so they want to have an even amount of both. They will often try to look for careers that involve an area of their interest, and find something that will entertain them, that also counts as work. They can sometimes jump in between jobs, because they can get bored easily, and tend to be impulsive rather than weight the options.
I d e a l - E n v i r o n m e n t
Hoppinths like a place where there is a sense of ease and lightness, to coincide with their carefree attitude. They like to be social and pleasant, and have an almost nostalgic, childish air to their environment.
S e l f - P e r c e p t i o n
Hoppinths see themselves as idealists at their highest point, and see themselves as useless at their lowest. This can fluctuate at the slightest remark, as they tend to be quite sensitive.
L i f e - M i s s i o n
The mission of a Hoppinth is to indulge in the luxuries of life, feeling free of obligation and having no need to take charge.
Loupglace (The Bizarro Gryffindor) | Chattysquawk (The Bizarro Hufflepuff) | Slumbertalon (The Bizarro Ravenclaw) | Hoppinth (The Bizarro Slytherin)

G e n e r a l - P e r s o n a l i t y
Hoppinths are impulsive, representing their animal the rabbit by jumping into most things in their life. They are generally optimistic folks, pleasant in their stature and trying to make everyone feel welcome. They are very sensitive, taking most things that are said to them to heart. They can have short attention spans at times, bouncing about from one thing to another.

P o s i t i v e - & - N e g a t i v e - T r a i t s
Hoppinths are extremely friendly and carefree, jumping into any situation or involvement that they feel could have some good aspect. They are not ones to overthink, and this can make them seem incredibly spontaneous and fun to others, causing them to have a wide circle of friends and/or admirers. They do not hold grudges too often, and seem to move through life with ease.
However, Hoppinths are not keen on responsibility, and tend to become a bit lazy when it comes to the idea of work or something that they must do that they think of as boring. This can make them come off as underachievers to some, and may be seen as off-putting to those who strive off of obligation or ambition.

C o m m o n - S t a r - S i g n s
An incredibly common sign for a Hoppinth is Libra, as these are people who are social and a bit indulgent, enjoying the finer things in life. Other common signs for Hoppinths are Leo and Sagittarius, though of course any sign is possible.

H o b b i e s
Hoppinths tend to have many hobbies at once, because they like to bounce in between different things to keep their interest peaked. They enjoy things which involve others, and may join many clubs or athletic teams, to keep a small taste of everything.

F r i e n d s h i p s
Hoppinths are social creatures, and quick to try and make friendships with others. They like to find the good in everyone, and get others to search for a bit of adventure with them. They can be a bit spacey at times, which can cause them not be the most reliable of friends, but their heart is in their effort to show you support.

I n t i m a t e - R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Hoppinths are playful in the area of romance, and enjoy having a partner with which they can always feel a strong, pleasant energy. The happiness a person brings them is all they need to validate their feelings, and this can cause them to jump into relationships. It can also cause them to have conflicting feelings and interests, which cause them to be in and out of the dating world.

T y p o l o g y
The average typology for a Hoppinth is ESFP (Extraverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceptive), because they are social beings that prefer to mix play with responsibility.

A b n o r m a l - P s y c h o l o g y
Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.
Hoppinths are not the most driven of folks, so when they feel they have reached a roadblock on their life, they can become overridden with self-hatred, feeling themselves useless. They are very sensitive and influenced by what others say to them, so if you were to say something hurtful to them, it may stay with them. Pain is one of the very few things in a Hoppinth’s life that they cannot jump right away from comfortably.

R e l i g i o u s - V i e w s
Hoppinths are not incredibly spiritual, nor are they very set into reality when it comes to religious prospects. They would rather not concern themselves with such things, because they are more focused on living how they want, rather than the consequences or results that may come thereafter. 

P o l i t i c a l - V i e w s
Hoppinths see little need for politics, or rather, they don’t see any need for their involvement in them. They are not hard to please for the most part, so they do not feel the need to interject with their own views, so long as things are fairly decent on their half of the spectrum.

C a r e e r s
Hoppinths do not want to have a career that is too heavy a burden. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so they want to have an even amount of both. They will often try to look for careers that involve an area of their interest, and find something that will entertain them, that also counts as work. They can sometimes jump in between jobs, because they can get bored easily, and tend to be impulsive rather than weight the options.

I d e a l - E n v i r o n m e n t
Hoppinths like a place where there is a sense of ease and lightness, to coincide with their carefree attitude. They like to be social and pleasant, and have an almost nostalgic, childish air to their environment.

S e l f - P e r c e p t i o n
Hoppinths see themselves as idealists at their highest point, and see themselves as useless at their lowest. This can fluctuate at the slightest remark, as they tend to be quite sensitive.

L i f e - M i s s i o n
The mission of a Hoppinth is to indulge in the luxuries of life, feeling free of obligation and having no need to take charge.
Loupglace (The Bizarro Gryffindor) | Chattysquawk (The Bizarro Hufflepuff) | Slumbertalon (The Bizarro Ravenclaw) | Hoppinth (The Bizarro Slytherin)
{Source: }


My Patronus is the Tiger.

 Okay. I decided that since Tiger is the animal that I got in my rsults twice, and also is the one mentioned in both Slytherin and Gemini, and most of all, since the description that follows suits me almost perfectly (if one sentence isn't quite right, the rest sure is excellent for my personality.


The tiger is a very strong, independent patronus. They have a fierce personality to them that they show openly, and have no problem doing it. However, there is more to them than just an impression, they have parts of their past that are a bit dark, and that has caused them to grow a bit cynical. They don’t like to show their feelings to others, as they like to maintain the impression for themselves and for others that they are unbreakable. They are not fast to warm up to anyone, but once they do they will protect you with all that they have. The most common house for a tiger patronus is Slytherin. The most common signs are Gemini and Aquarius.
Check the link above before requesting an animal.


The tiger is a very strong, independent patronus. They have a fierce personality to them that they show openly, and have no problem doing it. However, there is more to them than just an impression, they have parts of their past that are a bit dark, and that has caused them to grow a bit cynical. They don’t like to show their feelings to others, as they like to maintain the impression for themselves and for others that they are unbreakable. They are not fast to warm up to anyone, but once they do they will protect you with all that they have. The most common house for a tiger patronus is Slytherin. The most common signs are Gemini and Aquarius.

{Source: }


I won't leave the post 'till I have my Patronus!... Or, not.

A big part of the reasons why I got sorted into Slytherin in Pottermore is because I can get pretty determined when I want/need to accomplish something.
So, I see 'discovering what my patronus is' as a challenge. A tough one. That requires much thought and  self-actualization.

So, the results I've gotten on the quizzes I took were:

Tiger (x2)

I decided to take into consideration the thoughts of, too.
So, out of 44 possible patronus that have been posted so far, only 9 are most common in Slytherin and 9 in the Gemini star sign. From these, only 4 are common to Slytherins who are Geminis.
And, these are:


I can already cross out of this list the Fox considering I got very low scores about this animal in the quizzes I took. In one I even got 0%.

Next is Tiger, which I've got as a result twice. Remains on the list.
Cheetah is much like Tiger in some aspects, so remains, too.

About Buzzard I'm not as sure, but I'll give it a chance and read ianisourqueen's analysis about it, too.

Cheetah and Buzzard are the most pretty, though.

Hmm, let's see which fits my personality.


After more than half hour and much reading and roaming through the internet passed, I can proudly say that I'm more inclined to the felines. specifically Tiger, Cheetah and Lynx. Yeah, this one is a new, but could really suit my personality. Let me think about it some more...


Ow... I can't decide yet... Pff... Another post will come.

EDIT (1.9.2012) :  The site has moved to >


But, which is my Patronus?

So, ok. I got some results of which might be my Spirit animal...
But, how about my Patronus? I'm interested because of Harry Potter, after all.
So, let's see...

What's your Patronus?
Your Result: Your Patronus is a Hedgehog!
Bravery is your strong suit, and you are a kind creature to all, though your spiney exterior may make others think otherwise. You are proud of the strange parts of you that make you different!
Your Patrnous is a Wolf!
Your Patronus is an Iguana!
Your Patronus is a Dolphin!
Your Patronus is a Hawk!
Your Patronus is a Panther!
Your Patronus is a Badger
Your Patronus is a Fox!

Through out the ages there has been one question on the minds of wizards and muggles alike. This is a test to see what your true guardian animal is by looking deep with yourself.

The RAM, the ram is the most versatile of the patronuses using the geography of the land to its advantage. It has strong inner strength and is truly mighty. Using its horns it bashes into dementors as if it was nothing. This is one of the most useful and loyal of patronuses. 7 % from 169687 test takers had this profile!

Just like Hermione, with an otter for your patronus.

What form would your patronus take? Your patronus takes the form of an animal that possesses characteristics from your own personality.

My Patronus is a Dolphin

Your patronus takes the form of a Dolphin. A dolphin is both very playful and friendly. Like a dolphin, you are joyful, intelligent, and very funny. You enjoy life, and like to help others. You have so many happy thoughts that you can easily perform the patronus charm. Casting the charm becomes somewhat more difficult during a battle, but your concern for your friends helps you keep your focus.
My Patronus is a Dolphin


Which is my Spirit Animal?

I decided to find which is my Patronus, so I'll take some tests and see if I get any good results.
I'll also post the links of the pages where I found the tests, so that if anyone is interested they can also check their results.

The Deer

Here's your results! Your spirit animal has a Nobility ranking of 10 out of 18.
Your spirit animal is the deer. They are a respectable and beautiful animal. They are fearful and timid at times and are considered as having only slightly above average nobility and wisdom. The deer is a fairly common guardian, and you can feel proud knowing it will serve you well. ***Wondering how this animal was chosen for you? These questions were carefully thought out to see how important you hold certain virtues such as: humanism, self-knowledge, rationalism, the love of freedom and other somewhat Hellenic ideals. Some of the questions were very subtle. Your score was then matched with an animal of corresponding nobility. However, you shouldn't think this was a right/wrong sort of test, but more of an idealistic values test. It's ok to not hold these values, you'll just get an animal spirit of lower stature if you do!***

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • Nobility Distribution
    You scored 10% on Nobility, higher than 47% of your peers.

You have a great sense of the ones around you. You rather live solitary than with anyone else. You are spiritually strong, like the Tiger. You see things as they are, not knowing the true nature of people. Find your element, dear Tiger. 
 If a problem arises, your
Your Animal Spirit is Tiger

You are REACTIVE. Impetuous and strong, you follow your instincts. If a problem arises, your reactions are swift and decisive. You live by your intuition, and can sense things that may not be so obvious. You can be counted on in an emergency, but not necessarily in a delicate or complex situation.

I'm not quite sure about this one, as it's not based on my personality, but on pure chance.
This was the first result I got.
I'll do it multiple times, though, just to see more possible results.

The Butterfly
Transformation          Acceptance          Gratitude

Take a deep breath and let the spirit of the butterfly fill you.  Click here to Listen to the Butterfly's Song.

The ultimate symbol of transformation is now an integral part of your life.  Be glad, for you are the butterfly!
The butterfly energy will allow you to continually transform, gradually lifting your level higher and higher as you cycle through the stages of birth, crawling, cocooning and flight for each new stage of your life.
And as you go through this process, over and over, learn to accept that each stage is a necessary part of transformation.  Butterfly energy will help you not only accept, but actually enjoy the early crawling stage, as you learn new skills and new ways of being.  This energy will also help you understand that the chrysalis stage, wrapped in a cocoon with direction unclear, is a necessary state before you can emerge in your full glory.
And as you finally emerge as a butterfly, something that will happen to you many times in your lifetime, stretch out your beautiful wings and fly, enjoying life to the fullest, engrossed within this moment and this moment only, as you drink the nectar of the garden and give thanks for the many blessings of your life.
And then, of course, you will do it all over again, for you are the butterfly.

This quiz was more about the books by this author, but anyway.

You are a Swan! (your score: 24)

Characters: Tereus, Kalia in the Aspect of Crow trilogy
Powers: Foretelling future through dreams, dream-walking
Swans are idealistic, open-minded, and passionate. Your good nature often leads people to think they can take advantage of you, but they should be careful—beneath that serenity lies a fighting spirit. Your love is fierce and unconditional, fueled by the certainty that it should last forever.
Best matches: Wolves, Horses, Otters
Watch out for: Cougars, Foxes, Hawks


Patronus Analysis: How It’s Done

{Source: }

I see a patronus to be, essentially, a spirit animal. It does after all come from your happiest memories, and it is these memories that can show the best part of your soul. So I sort of see a patronus as a basis of your true spirit animal, and when you are at your best is when it shines brightest. So I use a bit of help with spirit animal guides, and combine that with what I think I see in an animal, and how that would be reflected in a person.
Here are a few sites for spirit animals and what they mean


The Psychology of Pottermore

I’ve had numerous asks inquiring what I think of the Pottermore sorting hat quiz, and it’s accuracy. So I opted to make a new Pottermore account and took the sorting hat quiz once again, to analyze it and show just how it sorts you accurately.

I am going to do this question by question, because each one has it’s own aspects that show some of your personality. So naturally, we will begin with question number one.

How would you like to be known in history?
To me, this is the most defining question within the entire sorting process, because how one wants to be remembered shows the deepest part of them. As individuals, we have many intricate aspects to our person, but we don’t want them all to be seen, or in any case, don’t want them all to be remembered. Answering this question truthfully reveals so much about you, and it is truly a core inquiry. It gives a base for you to work off for the rest of the quiz. The fact that it is a base, however, is the true beauty of it, as a Hogwarts house in itself is a base of a personality, not an entire one.

Once every century, the Flutterby bush produces flowers that adapt their scent to attract the unwary. If it lured you, it would smell of:
This is a question simple to interpret, as it merely pertains to an attraction of the elements. Each option applies to one of the four main elements, each of which Mrs. Rowling has connected with the Hogwarts houses. Most likely, the answer you give to this question goes in the favour of the house in which your attractive element is in tune with. If you don’t cheat on this question with that knowledge, it too, is very revealing. Nature is connected to every form of life in one way or another, and to be attracted to a specific element of it shows in which direction life pulls you.

Which of the following do you find most difficult to deal with?
The beauty of this quiz is that it is very much unlike those which fans have made, in the way that there are no obvious questions, even though they could very well be obvious if one were to look. A prime example here, as if the question were “What drives you?”, which answers apply to what house would be plain. Instead, the question pertains to what restrains you, a twist must people will disregard when answering. So, say you were driven by family and friends, the answer to the question of what is difficult for you to deal with would most likely be loneliness. It’s simple yet detailed, and shows more about your character than asking what drives you.

What are you most looking forward to learning at Hogwarts?
Think back to your grade school years (or look at them currently if you are still in them), and consider career tests you were given. A common question in these tests is “What is your favourite subject in school?” because it serves as a basis to find out where you would be best in your future education. The same serves here, because though it may seem like a simple question, what fascinates you the most is still a strong aspect of your personality. Subtle, but important regardless. Maybe grade school was onto something.

Which nightmare would frighten you most?
Much like the first question, your fear shows a very strong part of who you really are. Fear as deeply embedded, if not more so, as love. A nightmare is rarely literal, and what it displays is often much, much more psychological than one ever stops to interpret, generally because they do not wish to. Therefore, I would say this is the second most revealing question there is to this quiz, and the beauty of it is that it is much more difficult to cheat on this one than others. Hence, whether you are taking this test truthfully or trying to get in a specific house, you’ll probably still show part of your true self within it.

Forest or river?
This is my favourite question within the entire quiz, because you cannot fool it. Once again, it is very elemental, but with only two options it is much more difficult to interpret what houses they pertain to. Instead, it seems much more spiritual, whether you enjoy chaos which you must untangle, or a calm path in which you can see what is coming next. I believe I have found what two houses go with what answers, but I am going to leave that unsaid. A bit of mystery is needed for honesty in taking this quiz.

Heads or tails?
This can be interpreted in one of two ways: First, it could be a simply question much like half-empty or half-full. It could show whether you are optimistic or pessimistic, based upon your answer. On the other hand, it could also be a question of whether you like to go with the flow, or rebel. To me, it is much more the latter, and again, each answer pertains to two houses which I will not disclose. For many, this is most likely the breaking question to fully decide a house and avoiding a hat stall.

So with that, I took the test again. And lookie here, I still got the same house!

Being doubly Slytherin is very nice. However, if you take the test twice yourself and get different houses, don’t freak out. People are not secluded to one house, because personalities are not black and white. You most likely have aspects of both houses. However, if you are conservative to wishing to identify with one house, I would personally go with your first result. It is more likely you were truthful when not familiar with the questions.


Complete Hogwarts House Evaluation : 004. Slytherin

G e n e r a l - P e r s o n a l i t y
First, it should be pointed out that, despite the unfair reputation they are often given, Slytherins are not, in any way, naturally evil. Evil comes in many forms and that includes in the forms of all the Hogwarts houses, not just one. Slytherins are just hungry in their ambition, self-confident, and driven. They do not let emotions or obligations get in their way, because once they set goals, they full intend to go for them, no matter what is in their path. So they don’t truly mean to hurt people when they do, they are just incredibly blunt and straightforward, a trait that can be seen as shocking to the more emotional houses. In short, Slytherins are strong and beautiful in this strength, as they hold their ground and refuse to be nothing in the world.

P o s i t i v e - & - N e g a t i v e - T r a i t s
The most positive pieces of a Slytherin are their determination and will. They are strong-minded, and you cannot take them down with your words. They can do bad all on their own, they do not need your approval or consent, therefore your opinion makes nothing to them. They take pride in their accomplishments, often making new goals along with their general long-term ideals, so they are always setting rewards for themselves and making sure they feel successful in life.
Slytherins can have a roaring self-confidence, which to some can be seen as a bad thing, but really helps them in life quite often. They are powerhouses and they are good at it, which means they are great at persuasion and sweet talking their way into something that they want. This is a great trait, because it means they do not have to resolve to brute force and argument, which they have no problem with initiating either. They can cause conflict and offend others easily, though this is often not intended, they are just blunt and rather apathetic to the views of others, and do not think of what they say in this manner.
Oddly, the positive traits of a Slytherin are also their downfall. This is because they have extreme highs and lows, caused by their own doing. Others cannot put them down, but they can quickly hurt themselves, thinking of everything they have ever done wrong and suddenly thinking themselves a failure, and to some degree panicking over it. Sometimes their barriers can come down and they aren’t sure how to react to things, like a scared child, and in these times they need a friend, not to be pushed away, though during these times they may also lash out.

C o m m o n - S t a r - S i g n s
An incredibly common sign for a Slytherin is Libra, as both are great in the art of smooth talking and weighing all their options to figure out what is the best for them. Both can often be very materialistic, though they can be equally kind when they want to be. A sign seen in the more social, and at times even more ambitious Slytherin may be Gemini.

H o b b i e s
Any hobbies a Slytherin takes up has to be one they consider useful, because if they feel they are wasting their time, they get angry with themselves very quickly. So often they take up hobbies more so as back-up plans than enjoyment, things that if need be could be a good career along the road. This could include things such as sports, usually rougher ones such as football or rugby, graphic or web design, and writing of novels.

F r i e n d s h i p s
Quite often, Slytherins can go in and out of friendships, not really retaining them, because friends aren’t always part of their plans. They tend toward a few close friends, and these friends they are incredibly loyal to, and some of the people they care about most in their life. Slytherins can come off as cold and uncaring, but never underestimate the love they have for their family and friends, it is strong and relentless. They are not the type to spread rumours about you, because if they were to do something like that, they would much rather do it to strangers, not people they would rather not hurt. If a Slytherin does hurt you and they realize it, they have a hard time saying they are sorry, because apologizing to them is a sign of weakness. When they try to talk to you as much as possible and seem much more polite, it is usually a sign they are sorry for whatever it is they have done.

I n t i m a t e - R e l a t i o n s h i p s
A relationship with a Slytherin is a bit like a forest fire, hard to control and even harder to extinguish. They can be incredibly passionate when they want to be, and like to heat things up and experiment, as their sex appeal means a lot to them, even when they aren’t comfortable discussing it. Just as they can do this however, if you upset them, their emotions can go off like the flipping of a switch, and they can detach from the relationship completely, acting like they never cared about you at all. A Slytherin scorned is not something you want, as romance is just a silly game to them, one that any moment can be destroyed if you say the wrong thing. 

T y p o l o g y
The average typology for a Slytherin is INTJ (Introvert-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging). This varies for everyone, of course, but by nature Slytherins are goal-oriented, very good at keeping themselves away from the feelings of others, and strong in their mindset.

A b n o r m a l - P s y c h o l o g y
Note: This section of the analysis is not diagnosis, just a common observation. Do not take it as a diagnosis, nor ask me to diagnose you. If you believe you may have a disorder of some kind and are concerned about it, please seek a professional.
Slytherins can be narcissistic at times, and generally cold to the feelings of others, instead focusing on their own needs and ideals. They can put others down this way, though it is often not as intentional as you may think it is, it simply comes as a second instinct to them to be this way. They can also be perfectionists by nature, getting incredibly frustrated and hurt when things do not go the way they expected them too. They hid their emotions so well it is almost scary, but when it comes down to it they are the second most emotional house there is, and can therefore be prone to extreme highs or lows, and at times even depression. They can be very avoidant to situations which may engage their sympathies.

R e l i g i o u s - V i e w s
Slytherins are the most agnostic in their views of all the houses. This is because they believe whatever it is they believe, but they very rarely dwell on it, and they could care less what others believe either. They are more into the general idea of the human race and how they act as a whole, rather than sides of good or evil, that does not interest them in the slightest. As they see it everyone is down a specific path, and they are along to have fun in the duration of the ride.

P o l i t i c a l - V i e w s
Some Slytherins have no interest in politics whatsoever, but those that do love debate, and are very venomous in their nature when it gets down to it. They are prone to arguing, though they will listen to what you have to say, you will rarely change their mind. Instead, you will probably often find them to be very convincing,  and you may be reevaluating your own thoughts by the time they are through with you.

C a r e e r s
Common career and occupational choices among Slytherins are those that are very prestigious or those that are looked well upon, because they expect only the best for themselves. They may want to be surgeons, doctors, attorneys, or journalists. The more artistic of Slytherins may also enjoy acting, singing, or dancing. 

I d e a l - E n v i r o n m e n t
The ideal environment for a Slytherin is the one in which they feel they are at the top of their game, and in which they are saying what goes on around them. They have a deep need to be independent as well as superior, so they like to climb their way to the top of the food chain. Literally speaking, Slytherins may tend toward warmer, more humid areas.

S e l f - P e r c e p t i o n
Slytherins have two perceptions about themselves, depending on their mood. The first is that they are a fantastic, accomplished person, ready to take charge and be the best they can be. The second opinion, when they start to put themselves down or are in a low place, is that they are rude individuals who are lonely at heart.

L i f e - M i s s i o n
The mission of a Slytherin is to do what it is they do best, make their name known, and show pride in where it is they come from.


House+Sign Analysis : Slytherin Gemini

Slytherin in the natural house of the Gemini, as both are good at blending in and shedding their skin to fit any mold. The combination of the two makes them a wildfire of ambition, ready to strike at any moment to get what they desire. They have a knack for talking to people, and convincing them of whatever they wish to convince them of, and this helps them slide through any situation easily. Both the Snake and the Twins are emotional, but they wish to hide any sign of that. Their fire can get in the way of their relationships, and when they realize their failures they can find themselves in a strong state of sadness, but they don’t let them keep that from doing what they want. Slytherin Geminis are not flies on the wall and they will stay confident even if they feel they’ve been pushed to the floor.

{Source: }


Natural Houses

Aries : Gryffindor
Taurus : Hufflepuff
Gemini : Slytherin
Cancer : Hufflepuff
Leo : Gryffindor
Virgo : Ravenclaw
Libra : Slytherin
Scorpio : Slytherin
Sagittarius : Ravenclaw
Capricorn : Ravenclaw
Aquarius : Gryffindor
Pisces : Hufflepuff
{Source: }


Psychoanalysis of Slytherin students.

 Hogwarts Psychoanalysis by House and Typology : #004 Slytherin

If you do not know what typology is, or you do not know your own typology, please go here before continuing on below.

Slytherins in this type have a strong enthusiasm which carries them through life. They seem to be full of energy constantly, and never stop moving. They tend toward social aspects of life, and the impact they have on others is what tends to drive them throughout their days.

Healer Slytherins are extremely loyal, and a bit like quiet soldiers. They are dedicated to whatever it is that they choose to do, but they don’t want to be advocates about it. They would rather wait until they have to show their loyalty, and they will do anything in their power. They can appear distant at times, because they tend to avoid too much interaction. They can become attached to others easily, and if they do this they will feel overwhelmed by obligation.

Teacher Slytherins seem to have the keen ability to motivate others simply by their nature. They have a strong air of confidence, and this makes those around them quite positive. They enjoy having this ability, because having such strong influence gives them a very great sense of satisfaction. They are friendly and fun-loving, but they also tend to have a bit of a paternal instinct, trying to help others who are making questionable decisions.

Slytherins within this type are ideal observers, watching those around them and taking in everything they do and say. They can learn very much about a person through these methods, and if is requested, help a person through a trial through the information gathered. They are brilliant listeners, but tend to be extremely quiet compared to other snakes.

Slytherins within the Supervisor frame of mine are among the most driven individuals there are in the world. No matter what it is they are doing, they have always planned ten steps ahead from their current location. They dream big, and they have a burning desire to make a name for themselves. Usually, this involves a strong social factor, and these are the Slytherins which you would see going for important positions in the political world, or trying to be actively involved in a cause they feel close to. Contrary to the stereotype the snake is often given, these folks have big hearts.

Individuals within this type do not outwardly show the same ambition and vigor as do Slytherins of other types. They tend to keep things within themselves, not feeling it necessary for others to know what they are thinking. Despite this, they are mentally some of the most enthusiastic Slytherins that there are. While not being too showy about it, these are often the people that contribute the most to group occasions, as they have a strong need to prove what they can do. That’s not to say impressing others with their abilities, but assuring themselves, as their confidence is everything to them.

Slytherins in this type could be easily considered a textbook activist. They have strong hearts and their drive is much more a emotional tug than a needful one, so they tend to find something they connect to, and dedicate themselves to it. Environmentalists, charity organizers, many of these people are what you could consider to be an ESFJ Slytherin. While social and kind, they can at times also seem to come off too strong for the liking of others, though they rarely comprehend why this is.

Perhaps one of the most common types within Slytherin house, these individuals are extremely loyal to their blood. Their protective aspects shine through what they believe to be theirs, as they will fight tooth and nail to keep it. Within the world of Hogwarts, this could be shown through the family ties within Slytherin house, as these are individuals that will do whatever is asked of them by family, no questions asked. This makes them come off as very impulsive, and tends to give them a strong black and white moral standing.

ENTP Slytherins tend to be a bit like salesmen, always thinking of a new approach to something, and using this to their advantage. They have a strong desire to influence others, and this is quite often what leads them into new opportunities themselves. They are very social, and want to have a large circle of acquaintances which they can persuade.

Slytherins of this type are extremely intelligent, and like to express their thoughts to those around them. They have many theories on the world, and they want them to be known so that they can be used in the future. They have the strong intuition that they are bound to make a difference, whether it be for one person, for themselves, or for the entire universe. They are certain that they are bound for greatness.

Many of the Slytherins which are considered to be “evil” could very well fit into this type. The ambition of these individuals is strong, and they have the ability to look at a situation so keenly that they know exactly what to do and when to do it. They have sharp tongues, and this give them extra ability to get what they want. They can sometimes overlook the needs of others in the middle of their mission, and this is what can at times make them misunderstood.

Slytherins within this type are extremely intellectual, and radiating with confidence. They tend to have great talent, and they are aware of it, to such a degree that to some they seem to be very egotistical. They can have a bluntness to them and a dry sense of humour. This makes them appear a bit unfriendly to others, but they rarely let this affect them in anyway.

Common in Slytherin house people within this type have a influential nature and a wicked tongue. They have the natural ability to be persuasive, and tend to have many friends or admirers due to this. Brilliant with words, making their point is not difficult for them, and this makes them great salespeople or workers within the field of law. They are very social, and have a way of making people feel comfortable around them. They are simultaneously independent, however, and can pull away if need be.

These Crafters, rather than speaking of actual physical tools, tend to use their own mind as their weapon of choice. They are strongly invested in their own needs, not so much selfishness, they just feel the need to take care of themselves, no matter what may entail. They will analyze every situation, opportunity, and relationship in their life, and come to the conclusion of what path would be the best for them. They are extremely self-assured, and this can come off as cockiness to some.

Slytherins of this type thrive off of what could be described as cut throat competition. They have a strong need to be at the top of the world and in the center of attention, and they are quite willing to go to extremes to get it. They are incredibly self-confident, and want to show off the talent that they know they have. To some this may come off as annoying or pushy, but Slytherin Performers often try to shrug this off. They feel that one blow to their confidence could sabotage them.

Composer Slytherins practically have the ability to pick up the world, pick it apart and take what they want, and then put it back down again. They are great at seeing the big picture, but picking out the small details they want from it. They have their own way of working and methods some may find eccentric. This makes little difference to them, as they tend to be absorbed in their own minds.

Slytherins within this type are extremely intellectual, and radiating with confidence. They tend to have great talent, and they are aware of it, to such a degree that to some they seem to be very egotistical. They can have a bluntness to them and a dry sense of humour. This makes them appear a bit unfriendly to others, but they rarely let this affect them in anyway.

{Source: }


Dating a Psychology Student.

Hahaha, well, in some cases that may be true, indeed, but not always... :p


Japan Love.

 Some minutes ago I saw a post on my cousin's wall on facebook from 9gag.

So, why do we love Japan?
This is one of the reasons why.

In Japan you can be the child you can rarely be!
Anime and colours evrywhere.
What better?

The other reasons? So many to start reciting here!
And, it's too late, too! I mean, about the time. I'm too sleepy!

but, enjoy the pics! ^^


My cousin's HP Astrology.

I found today this interesting page and decided to find the descriptions of all the people I know and they're members on Pottermore. Which means, my cousins!
So, I think there are 5 different zodiac signs among 6 cousins!

ARIES ~ Vula & Artemis
(March 21 - April 19)
The Ram. Cardinal, fire, yang - planetary ruler: Mars. Keywords: "I AM" 

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and governs the head. Positive characteristics of Aries include courage, enthusiasm, idealism, charisma, quick wits, an ability to "think on one's feet," leadership potential, exuberant energy, zeal, and innocence. Negative traits include selfishness, tactlessness, egocentrism, an inability to save money, impetuousness, a hot temper, combativeness, oversensitivity, carelessness, and cruelty.  

These Ravenclaws will have lightning-fast mental reflexes. Aries is an intellectual sign, but it is also an impatient sign; Ravenclaws who were born under this sign are likely to tolerate no dull wits or stupidity, whether they see this lack of mental competence in themselves (in which case they will berate themselves for not understanding, or give up quickly in frustration without really trying to overcome their difficulty in learning) or in others (in which case they will lash out at the offender with acidic comments and haughty, cutting looks). These Ravenclaws will want to be at the head of the class, dominating other students in their chosen intellectual field, and may be almost as competitive as Slytherins. However, the true aim of every Ravenclaw is knowledge, knowledge, and more knowledge. While a Slytherin might see losing a magical duel or being bested by another student in a DADA class as humiliating, the Ravenclaw will probably just take delight in competition for its own sake, and see defeat as a learning experience. 

A Slytherin Aries is a bundle of contradictions. In some ways, they have the potential to be the strongest of their House - the intensity, drive, and brilliant visionary dreams of the Aries combined with the innate leadership skills, the charisma, and the profound sense of self (including the eccentric lack of interest in conforming to what other people think) is stuff of which great magical legends are made. However, a Slytherin Aries has much to learn about politics, knowing who is an appropriate object of trust and who is not trustworthy, knowing when to keep one's mouth shut, and knowing when to avoid acting on impulse in order to use a situation to its best advantage. Although they hate to admit it, these Slytherins are easily manipulated by more cynical, shrewd peers in the Serpent's Den. If they can learn to manage their blind spots, they will go far. Slytherin Aries types can be quite cruel, especially if they have enough physical prowess to bully smaller students; those that are not cruel can still be thoughtless and brutally tactless without actually meaning to cause damage. 

(May 21 - June 20)
The Twins. Mutable, air, yang - planetary ruler: Mercury Keywords: "I THINK"

CANCER ~ Dimitra
(June 21 - July 22)
The Crab. Cardinal, water, yin - planetary ruler: the Moon Keywords: "I FEEL"

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and governs the breast and the stomach. Positive traits include loyalty, a love of home and family, the ability to express emotion, intensity, a great sense of humour, a sense of initiative, tenaciousness, a gift with finances, compassion, shrewdness, and intuition. Negative traits are self-indulgence, moodiness, clinging to other people, bossiness, emotional manipulation, and oversentimentality.

Gryffindors born under the sign of Cancer will root for the home team until their throats are raw. They are deeply loyal to their House (and also to any friends outside of their House, although these may take a back seat to Gryffindor loyalties). Make a friend with a Gryffindor Cancer, and you've made a friend for life. Cancer is a sentimental, yet high achieving sign that dreams often, and dreams big; this combined with the Gryffindor romantic streak creates a quixotic, almost anachronistically chivalrous temperament.
(November 22 - December 21)
the centaur Archer. Mutable, fire, yang - planetary ruler: Jupiter. Keywords: "I SEE" 

Sagittarius is the ninth house of the zodiac and rules the liver, hips, and thighs. Positive traits include optimism, innate wisdom, a philosophical outlook, a love of nature, generosity, joie de vive, flexibility, a keen intellect, independence, energy, natural good luck, foresight, and the capacity to dream big; negative traits include restlessness, tactlessness, clumsiness, naivete, unwillingness to commit, and a tendency to ignore important details while looking at a big, sketchy picture. 

Ravenclaw Sagittarians are the philosophers of the magical world. They love pure theory, pure mathematics, and anything that appeals to their yearning for far horizons, whether those horizons be physical (in which case they will do a lot of traveling) or mental. They excel at astrology and research, and have the rare gift of both being able to investigate a subject deeply and then being able to explain it to other people in plain language. This makes for excellent teaching potential. They are cheerful, athletic, brisk, and humourous, and also decidedly eccentric. Sometimes they get on people's nerves, because they don't have as many interpersonal skills as they seem to think they have, but it's hard to stay mad at a Ravenclaw Sagittarian for very long. They're just too goofy.

(December 22 - January 19)
the Quinotaur (half goat, half mermaid/merman). Cardinal, earth, yin - planetary ruler: Saturn. Keywords: "I USE"

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac and governs the bones, joints, and knees. Positive traits include pragmatism, maturity, patience, determination, awareness, a strong work ethic, realism, discipline, money management, the willingness to overcome hard luck, leadership, initiative, opportunism, prudence, and cunning. Negative traits include pessimism, melancholy, emotional coldness, manipulation, obsession with work and ambitions to the detriment of personal development, remoteness, and materialistic snobbery. 

While not the most common sign for Gryffindors to be born under, the combination of Gryffindor aims with Capricorn traits results in wizards who are exceptionally well balanced. For once, here are Gryffindors who will not go charging off on quests without first making thorough preparations and arranging for backup. They are resourceful, well grounded, and self confident, hard workers, and extremely reliable. You can always trust a Gryffindor Capricorn's word; they will not only mean it when they say they will do something, they will follow through successfully. House Prefects often come from this sign, because they are responsible, good students, and natural leaders. What many people forget about the Capricorn is that although they are part goat, they are also part mermaid. That mermaid half represents all the fanciful dreams and lofty ambitions that the quiet Capricorn often hides beneath an unassuming surface. Perhaps Capricorns are sorted into this House because the House needs balance, but those hidden dreams and whimsies probably have a lot to do with it, too. 


Monday, 23 April 2012

I made Tumblr.

Today, as I was browsing through Tumblr, I realized that there are SO many interesting photos I'd like to post here, that there is no way I could ever make it.

So, what better way to reblog all this stuff?
Making Tumblr and doing it immediately! Liking them, also!

So, here is my Tumblr page which is about all things Slytherin.
Wow, I've really gotten obsessed with all this, huh?

SlytherCat's Tumblr.


Slytherin Gemini

The Twins. Mutable, air, yang - planetary ruler: Mercury Keywords: “I THINK”

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac and has influence over the hands, arms, shoulders, and lungs. Positive traits include quick wits, versatility, flexibility, fluency with words and ideas, an open mind, a love of learning, adaptability, agility, sharp perception, and cheerfulness; negative traits are duplicity, mood swings, flightiness, nervousness, fidgeting, lack of attention span, a tendency to be easily influenced, and undependability.

Ever heard the phrase “snake-tongued?” It must have been invented to describe a Slytherin Gemini. (This doesn’t refer to the Parseltongue gift, either, although the few Slytherin wizards who exhibited it have had a disproportionate number of Geminis in their midst.) Slytherin Geminis have the dubious gift of being able to lay the blarney on thick, and be believed. This is due to both their imaginative mental agility and to their skill with words. Of course, not all Slytherin Geminis are liars - but it is probably advisable to get all sides of the story if you hear interesting gossip from one of these wizards. Slytherins born under the sign of Gemini are also naturally skilled at any magical work which involves sleight of hand or incantations. They are less determined and aggressive than the average Slytherin, though, save perhaps in a field that involves debate. You will find far more of them chatting in the common room or looking up arcane lore in the library than on the Quidditch field or in a dueling match, with the exception of Quidditch Seekers: the sharp eyesight and quick reflexes associated with Gemini are good traits for a Seeker to have.

[Originally posted on my Tumblr.]


Friday, 20 April 2012

Accurate Sorting Quiz

The Accurate Hogwarts Sorting Hat
Slytherin house values ambition, cunning and resourcefulness and was founded by Salazar Slytherin. Its emblematic animal is the serpent, and its colours are green and silver. Professor Horace Slughorn was the Head of Slytherin during the 1997–1998 school year, replacing Severus Snape, who as well, replaced Slughorn when he retired for the first time several years ago. The Bloody Baron is the house ghost. Slytherin corresponds roughly to the element of water. The Slytherin Dormitories and common room are reached through a bare stone wall in the Dungeons. The Slytherin common room is a long, low underground room (probably under the Hogwarts lake, thus Slytherin house's affiliation with water) with rough stone walls and round greenish lamps hanging from the ceiling.
Facebook quizzes, quiz apps & blog quizzes by Quibblo


Magical Family

I shall probably say that I belong to a wizarding family.
6 cousins into 3 Hogwarts Houses in Pottermore.

Slytherin: Artemis & Moi (UnicornHowl10952)
Ravenclaw: Dimitris & Vula (brother and sister)
Gryffindor: Maya & Dimitra

We don't have any cousin into Hufflepuff, yet, but there's still plenty of time, and Pottermore has just opened. ;)


House Points

Right now, 20 April 2012, at 2:17pm, the House Points, as displayed on The Great Hall of Pottermore, show that Slytherin is on the lead with over 30 million points. Gryffindor, whom rise was very sudden and rather unexpected, is second, with Ravenclaw closely following. Hufflepuff is last (but, not least).
For more details:

Slytherin: 30,157,966
Gryffindor: 29,697,072
Ravenclaw: 29,367,001
Hufflepuff: 25,898,393

According to various rumors, people make many accounts in order to enter the House of their preference. Which, most of the time, is Gryffindor.
According to more rumors, Gryffindor students make more accounts to enter and sabotage other Houses.
I don't know which is true, and which is not, (although I do know that the first rumor is correct,) but if anyone wishes to win in that way, well, they just don't deserve it!

And, Slytherin isn't going to fall without a battle.
Go Snakes!


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Welcome message of the Slytherin House

The Sorting Hat has placed you in Slytherin

Congratulations! I’m Prefect Gemma Farley, and I’m delighted to welcome you to SLYTHERIN HOUSE. Our emblem is the serpent, the wisest of creatures; our house colours are emerald green and silver, and our common room lies behind a concealed entrance down in the dungeons. As you’ll see, its windows look out into the depths of the Hogwarts lake. We often see the giant squid swooshing by – and sometimes more interesting creatures. We like to feel that our hangout has the aura of a mysterious, underwater shipwreck.

Now, there are a few things you should know about Slytherin – and a few you should forget.

Firstly, let’s dispel a few myths. You might have heard rumours about Slytherin house – that we’re all into the Dark Arts, and will only talk to you if your great-grandfather was a famous wizard, and rubbish like that. Well, you don’t want to believe everything you hear from competing houses. I’m not denying that we’ve produced our share of Dark wizards, but so have the other three houses – they just don’t like admitting it. And yes, we have traditionally tended to take students who come from long lines of witches and wizards, but nowadays you’ll find plenty of people in Slytherin house who have at least one Muggle parent.

Here’s a little-known fact that the other three houses don’t bring up much: Merlin was a Slytherin. Yes, Merlin himself, the most famous wizard in history! He learned all he knew in this very house! Do you want to follow in the footsteps of Merlin? Or would you rather sit at the old desk of that illustrious ex-Hufflepuff, Eglantine Puffett, inventor of the Self-Soaping Dishcloth?

I didn’t think so.

But that’s enough about what we’re not. Let’s talk about what we are, which is the coolest and edgiest house in this school. We play to win, because we care about the honour and traditions of Slytherin.

We also get respect from our fellow students. Yes, some of that respect might be tinged with fear, because of our Dark reputation, but you know what? It can be fun, having a reputation for walking on the wild side. Chuck out a few hints that you’ve got access to a whole library of curses, and see whether anyone feels like nicking your pencil case.

But we’re not bad people. We’re like our emblem, the snake: sleek, powerful, and frequently misunderstood.

For instance, we Slytherins look after our own – which is more than you can say for Ravenclaw. Apart from being the biggest bunch of swots you ever met, Ravenclaws are famous for clambering over each other to get good marks, whereas we Slytherins are brothers. The corridors of Hogwarts can throw up surprises for the unwary, and you’ll be glad you’ve got the Serpents on your side as you move around the school. As far as we’re concerned, once you’ve become a snake, you’re one of ours – one of the elite.

Because you know what Salazar Slytherin looked for in his chosen students? The seeds of greatness. You’ve been chosen by this house because you’ve got the potential to be great, in the true sense of the word. All right, you might see a couple of people hanging around the common room whom you might not think are destined for anything special. Well, keep that to yourself. If the Sorting Hat put them in here, there’s something great about them, and don’t you forget it.

And talking of people who aren’t destined for greatness, I haven’t mentioned the Gryffindors. Now, a lot of people say that Slytherins and Gryffindors represent two sides of the same coin. Personally, I think Gryffindors are nothing more than wannabe Slytherins. Mind you, some people say that Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor prized the same kinds of students, so perhaps we are more similar than we like to think. But that doesn’t mean that we cosy up with Gryffindors. They like beating us only slightly less than we like beating them.

A few more things you might need to know: our house ghost is the Bloody Baron. If you get on the right side of him he’ll sometimes agree to frighten people for you. Just don’t ask him how he got bloodstained; he doesn’t like it.

The password to the common room changes every fortnight. Keep an eye on the noticeboard. Never bring anyone from another house into our common room or tell them our password. No outsider has entered it for more than seven centuries.

Well, I think that’s all for now. I’m sure you’ll like our dormitories. We sleep in ancient four-posters with green silk hangings, and bedspreads embroidered with silver thread. Medieval tapestries depicting the adventures of famous Slytherins cover the walls, and silver lanterns hang from the ceilings. You’ll sleep well; it’s very soothing, listening to the lake water lapping against the windows at night.


Sorted into Slytherin.

In Chapter 7, we, along with Harry Potter, have to go through the process of being sorted into one of the four Houses. The choises, in case somebody doesn't know or just can't recall right now, are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin (with the order of the signs on the Great Hall).

So, instead of wearing the hat we just have to answer truthfully in a set of questions designed especially for this purpose, just like with the wand-choosing process. The only difference is that the questions that are used to sort us into houses are far more, and not all are used by one player. Every player answers about 7 (if my counts were correct) questions. But, no set of question I've seen is the same for everyone. My cousin had to answer almost entirely different question from me.

But, anyway. When I, UnicornHowl10952, started answering the quiz, I was so anxious.
I was thinking that I didn't want to be sorted into either Slytherin or Hufflepuff.
But, then again, I had to fully concentrate on answering the questions as honestly as I could master, so when the result came, it didn't really feel like a blow in the stomach or anything.
I was a Slytherin.

The disappointment was small and quite short-lived, though.
When I read the Welcome Message (designed for entirely this purpose, I may guess) I found myself feeling more and more happier with my result. Gradually I got to know more Slytherins, too, so I got sure that everyone that gets into a House should first see past the stereotypes that have been created by reading the books. I never liked Draco and I can't say I felt particularly sorry for him while watching the final Harry Potter movie.

But, that doesn't mean that all Slytherins are like Draco. And, especially it doesn't mean that being cunning is a bad trait.
An important aspect of Slytherins, that was referred in the welcome message, and that was also noted by me, was that when we are sorted in this House we feel about our fellow Slytherins like they are family.
And, we are family.
I've been going back to the message board of the Slythrin House whenever I can two days now, and I've seen how people rush to help other fellow Slytherins and answer their questions any way they can. Which isn't easy with the moderation measure going on, but oh well.

I've encountered only one or two people that have been a bit rude when answering.
And, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't the truth.

I don't have any other accounts, so I don't know what's really going on with the other houses, but just that. We, the players of Pottermore, seem to confirm certain stereotypes, as Slytherin is winning the competition for the House Cup, for the time being, Ravenclow and Gryffindor have been fighting each other very closely for the past two days, and poor Hufflepuff is so quiet (and, I almost wanted to say 'sweet'). Whenever we, Slytherins, challenge the Hufflepuff House noone accepts to duel with us. I've tried five times in a row. The first two I dueled (and won) and the next three I just got ignored. While when I challenged Ravenclaw, somebody accepted in seconds.

Anyway, all I have to say for now is that I'm a really proud Slytherin that tries for the best for her House. And, it doesn't mean that we're cheating, just because we're winning.
We're not doing anything less than what other Houses do.

Rumors say that Gryffindors even decided to sabotage Ravenclaws. Of course, maybe not all Gryffindor wizrds and witches, but see? We, Slytherins, haven't said anything like that. We're trying to do our best on our own. With our duels and potions without sabotaging.
