Sunday, 19 August 2012


 A Closer Look at 1995

Our story takes place not too far in the past - only 16 years ago - but as not everyone remembers that far back, we figured we'd provide a bit of a refresher course. While we know this is a fantasy game, we still expect players to keep things moderately realistic when it comes to the time period at hand.

The United Kingdom...
  • The average home cost 68,183 Pounds Sterling.
  • John Major was the Prime Minister.
  • Homosexuals were still not permitted to serve in the military or adopt a child, and one could not legally change their gender. There were no anti-discrimination laws in place for homosexuals in employment or the provision of goods or services.
  • Most firearms are not permitted to be owned or carried off one's own property. Police men use billy clubs instead of firearms.

Around the World...
  • Austria, Finland & Sweden act to join the European Union.
  • Bill Clinton was the president of the United States. (In the wizarding world, this meant a huge leap forward for the Revealing Party.)
  • Despite some forward movement in the western world, Pro-Gay Rights movements and LGBT organizations are still illegal and activists face government opposition in many countries.

Then and Now
  • The most common video format was the VHS Tape.
  • Top Billboard Artists included Boyz II Men, TLC, Ini Kamoze, and Madonna.
  • Compact Discs are beginning to replace Cassette Tapes in popularity.
  • Grunge and Punk fashions increase in popularity, as does the "Rachel" haircut - based on the character from the Friends television show. Flannel is extremely popular, along with wearing hte color black, and sagging, oversized clothing is at an all time high. Blue jeans are the center of the fashion movement.


I was two years old then, but now I'm planning on playing on this time period through Vault 713. How exciting is this?


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